Gassama, I realized that both you and Essa Sey know exactly what is going on
with this EU rep.  You also know that your inept government has dropped the
ball yet again.  But, being the incorrigible sycophants you are, you dare
not speak the truth if it involves criticizing the APRC government; albeit
in a constructive manner.

First to Essa Sey.  Let me inform you that people are not neglecting the
fact that this call for the deportation of the EU chief purportedly
originated from Brussels.  I mentioned Alieu Ngum in my first piece
regarding this matter not for fun, but to make a point.  People are not just
jumping to conclusions here.  Having said that, what I also know is that
Alieu Ngum is also another impotent mandarin like yourself.  If you believe
that Ngum will stand in Yaya’s way, then I have a bridge to sell you.  Of
course we all know that Ngum is played like a yo-yo from Banjul.  This does
not absolve the man from responsibility.  However, what this tells me is
that it is a total waste of time to engage in a wild-goose-chase asking
lowly civil servants why they implemented Yaya’s orders.  Of course we all
know that when even you yourselves are being abused, you do not have the
guts to stand up for yourself.  We had both Pap Cheyassin Secka, Tombong and
Dominic Mendy abused by this government and the vermin turn around and
declare unreserved allegiance to Yaya and APRC.  We know you are all

Since you Essa Sey are an integral part of Yaya’s foreign service
(Ambassador to Taiwan, the last I know), why don’t you tell us the reason
behind the EU chief’s deportation?  What has the man done to interfere in
our ‘domestic affairs’?  You and Gassama should know the bogus charges
leveled against this man.  Or are you guys so low in the APRC ‘food-chain’
that you are not privy to those reasons, but would gladly come to G_L and
make a fool of yourselves by supporting positions you do not even
understand?  This man is being expelled because he had the ‘audacity’ to
defend Gambians that are being dismissed unjustifiably by your inept
government.  Is that not his ‘heinous crime’ violating our ‘sovereignty’.
You are just some shameless characters.  Cut the chase and get to the point.
  Rather than vagaries about the man not respecting our ‘sovereignty’, why
don’t you tell us how he disrespected us?  This man is fighting for civil
servants working on projects the EU is financing.  Why don’t you (Essa Sey)
that is familiar with EU protocol tell us where it says on EU rules that the
country representative should just sit by and watch projects being

When Yaya engaged in his latest dismemberment of the civil service in the
aftermath of the presidential election, I cautioned the moron about the
repercussions this might have on the country’s dealings with donors.
Unsurprisingly, the cautions felt on deaf ears.  Who said the APRC listens
to sensible suggestions?  I will reiterate the point I made during the
firing spree.  A large part of the aid coming to Gambia comes in the form of
‘capacity building’.  Scholarships are given to numerous civil servants for
both long-term and short-term training as part of these aid packages.
Millions of dalasis are spent to prepare these functionaries to implement
the projects that are the subject matter of the aid.  Now, does it make
sense to train these people for years, let them implement these projects and
gather invaluable experience and just wake up one day and fire them because
they do not wear APRC colors?  Of course that is absurd.  That is exactly
what is going on in the country.  People are being dismissed unjustifiably
after donors have spent millions training them.  Don’t the donors have a
right to try and stop this madness so that their projects can be implemented
properly by trained professionals as opposed to some uncouth High School
drop-out?  When the donors ask for reasons behind these dismissals, Yaya
gets all upset and accuse the donors of meddling.  And you sycophants jump
from nowhere and support Yaya’s irrational posture even if you do not
understand his move.  This is just sick.

Rather than talking about sovereignty, the debate should be about the
erratic dismissals of civil servants and the mismanagement of aid money.
That is what this is about.  This is not about slavery or some European
treating Africans poorly.  That is all a dubious smokescreen.  This EU
representative is treating Gambians better than the vermin leading us.  This
man does not steal our aid money to open Swiss Bank accounts and send his
wife on private jets to come shop in the United States.  To have sycophants
like Gassama twist the situation to look as if we are dealing with a
colonial governor going around ‘lording’ over Africans is simply sickening.
This representative played a pivotal role in the most vital sector of our
economy (agriculture).  Played a better role than Yaya and Baabaa Jobe that
got us into the Alimeta mess.  But, we are now told that we should disregard
those tangible achievements ($12 million to settle Alimenta) and focus on
some intangible (national pride and sovereignty).  We are told that we
should be upset because the man told Yaya that is wrong to dismiss civil
servants willy-nilly.  Even if the man told Yaya off wrongly, I would rather
have the $12 million dollars for our farmers than be upset for these morons.
  What nationalism are these people talking about?  What pride?  One we can
nurture and sell to Taiwan and Libya?  If Gassama and Essa Sey really want
national pride, they should ask the pretenders leading our country and
bringing shame to us to resign and bring back sanity in the country.  We
have High School drop-outs that cannot even express themselves properly in
our official language representing us in the international arena.  Gambians
like Yaya, Essa Sey and Gassama have done more to dent our national pride
than this EU representative can ever do in three life-times.

The bottom-line here is that Yaya has emasculated almost all the civil
servants in the country.  This government is intolerant of dissent.  We have
a Dictatorship back home.  Some of the diplomats in the country that dare to
tell this government that it is mistreating Gambians and mismanaging aid
money, are deported from the country.  A more heinous fate awaits Gambians
that dare to tell this government that it is mistreating Gambians.  Those
Gambians are abducted and put in jail.  Knuckleheads like Gassama and Essa
Sey have the luxury of peddling these nonsense on G_L.  But Alieu Ngum and
Famara Jatta and Blaise Jagne will be singing a different tune when they
meet with donors.  Let Famara Jatta come to Washington and go the World Bank
and IMF and perpetuate this ridiculous brand of ‘nationalism’.  Alieu Ngum
too better be prepared to explain how meddlesome it is for the EU country
rep to ensure that his projects are managed properly.  This is just insane.

>From: YERO MAMA <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Gambian 'Foreign Policy' in a state of Flux
>Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 06:36:01 +0000
>     The source of the decision that sent Marc out stems from
>recommendations received from our own mission in Belgium(according to the
>stories we saw on the media and elsewhere within the cirlces of Banjul's

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