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Original Post from Gina Levy on [log in to unmask]


Tonight I made an old family favorite, that I thought I couldn't make
because of the wheat flour.  But it worked great!  The filling is
traditional for Italian Jews, but you can fill the crepes with anything.

Migliacini (Italian Hanukah Crepes)


        1 6oz can tuna packed in Olive oil (Trader Joes has it)
        1 2oz can anchovies
        2 tsp parsley, chopped
        2 tsp lemon juice.

Open cans of fish and pour fish and oil into small bowl.  Add parsley
and lemon, mix well.  It should be moist, add more olive oil if


        3 eggs
        1/2 cup GF flour mix (I used Bette Hagman's Featherlight)
        1/2 cup water
        1 tsp onion salt

Mix all ingredients until no lumps remain.  Pour 2 tbsp into small 4"
frying pan (add olive oil if not using non-stick pan).  Cook over medium
heat, until no longer moist on top.  Turn out onto cookie sheet.  Place
a heaping teaspoon of the filling on the crepe.  Fold in half and seal
edges with a fork.

These can be made ahead of time and reheated in the oven prior to

Enjoy, these are quite different than traditional Ashenazic Jewish fare.
