
To print only what you see on the page of a web site. Press the Print Screen button on your puter....It will appear as if nothing happened but it has copied it to the clipboard.  Now simply open your word processing program and paste it.

  Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 7:55 AM
  Subject:  determining and printing individual pages

  When I am visiting a website and want to print only what I am seeing on my computer screen at that moment, how do I determine what page I am on (ex: page 12 or page 13 of a lengthy site) and how do I print that page(s) only?  The same question applies to lengthy email newsletters.  For example:  I receive a newsletter and want to print only the section that I currently see on my computer screen but not the entire 10 page newsletter.  Now do I determine what page I am on and how do I print that page only?  Thanks for your help?   

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