Howdie.  My name is Richard Jarvis, I am a former North Carolinean who has relocated to Boston to study at the BAC for my M.Arch (architecture) degree.  I just dun started my book learnin nai bouts this semester (enough of the Faulkner writting).  I am confronted with a true dilema.  My strongest and purest interest is in HP - especially material conservation and restoration, or in the broader sence "the preservation and conservation of all of the damn good old buildings out there, and some that aren't so good.  I am trying to determine if I should complete my architecture matriculation - whilst gearing it towards HP, or, should I take up learning (sorry bout that Faulknerian slip) that is more directly affixed to the field of HP.  I have been thinking about the limited residency M.A. in Historic Preservation from Goucher College.  Is there anyone out there that can provide some insight for me.  Especially if you know about, or matriculate at Goucher.

My future intent, w/ or w/o a M.Arch degree, is to be a preservation consultant/contractor, and maby segway into some historic structure real estate investment (i.e. money looser - limited ROI for those with business acumen)

All usefull, and some useless infromation will be much appreciated.

Emaily Yours,

Richard Jarvis Esq.