Como un armenio, io lege quasi cata die le sito que presenta, sin commento,
multe differente articulos de multe different puntos
de vista collegite de multe fontes international (io
pensa que sera utile e interessante
a personas interessate in le medie-est in general,
e non solmente in Armenia e le armenios del

Il era triste discoperar que Armenia, como multe
alster paises, es intolerante al personas qui refusa
a assassinar in le nomine de nationalismo, e io
era specialmente triste notar le vehementia del
servicio Arminfo in denunciar iste proponentes
del pax mundial. le sequente es un articulo recente:

26 Nov 2001
Le rejection del servicio militar per le residente
de Metsamor Aram Shahverdian, in Armenia,
esseva le culmine que concludeva con le patientia
del agentias official de policia local qui decideva
detener le "propagandista", Teste de Jehovah
appellate "Leva Margarian". Le caso de Margarian
es actualmente considerate per le Corte de
Appellation, jam que le verdicto de inocentia
esseva retornate per le corte minor, cosa que
non satisfaceva le Prosecution, le qual se supporta
per le publico. Secun le Prosecution, como un resulta
de su activitates de propaganda, Margarian involveva
a un dozena de minores del  Testes de Jehovah, le
minores comenciava su proprie activitates de propaganda
in le scholas de Metsamor.  Le situation preoccupava
lor professores de schola, e le professores de tres
scholas se reuniva pro discuter le problema. Durante
le sessiones del corte Margarian essaya non responder
questiones, e refusa declarar se culpabile. Ille mantene
que ille non fortia a necuno a junger se al organisation
religiose del "Testes de Jehovah", le qual non es registrate
in Armenia. Il debe esser notate que durante le duo ultime
annos plus que 40 personas esseva admonite officialmente
per le Bureau del Prosecutor de Armenia pro predicar
illegalmente. Le majoritate de illes son membros del
organisation de "Testes de Jehovah". Durante le periodo
mentionate previemente le gruppos relevante registrava
plus que 50 casos involviente le evasion de servicio militar.

26 Nov 2001
The rejection of military service by the resident of Metsamor Aram
Shahverdian was the last straw that put an end to the patience of the
local law-enforcement agencies that decided to detain the
"propagandist", Jehovah's Witness Leva Margarian. Margarian's case is
currently being considered by the Court of Appeal, as the verdict of
not guilty returned by the minor court did not satisfy the
Prosecution, which is supported by the public. According to the
Prosecution, as a result of his propaganda activities, Margarian
involved a dozen of minors in the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses. In
their turn, they started propaganda in the schools of Metsamor.  The
situation aroused teachers' concern, and teachers of three schools
held meetings to discuss the problem. During the court sittings
Margarian tries not to answer the questions, refusing to plead
guilty. He claims he does not force anyone to join "Jehovah's
Witnesses" religious organization, which is not registered in
Armenia. It is to be noted that during the last two years over 40
people were officially warned by the Prosecutor's Office of Armenia
for illegal preaching activities. Most of them are members of
"Jehovah's Witnesses" organization. During the aforementioned period
the relevant bodies registered over 50 cases of evasion of military

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