>The overall quantity of fat contained in modern meat far exceeds that
>found in paleo meats. Some people try to justify high fat intake by
>proposing that paleo people preferred the fattier cuts of meat and the
>offal. Well sorry, even if they did, they would still be eating much
>less fat than contained in a prime beef steak.

Ah, but then extinction enters the picture.  One example is the mammoth.
This and other larger, now-extinct animals were much higher in fat than,
say, the wild boars, deer, fish and fowl available today.  While there's
nothing wrong with lean, wild fare, look at the Inuit tribe of northernmost
North America; they did just fine on a high fat diet.  And many Native
American tribes were known to hunt bear for the fat alone, leaving the flesh
for meat-eating animals to enjoy (documented by Enig and Fallon; don't have
it in my 'puter, sorry).  I know a lot of people on this list (myself
included) do and feel best when eating moderate protein and relatively high
fat.  YMMV.

We'll never know exactly what early humans ate, but there's considerable
evidence that the diet was higher in fat than most modern health nuts and
even some Paleo experts care to admit.  I know for a fact that Drs. Eades
and Dr. Cordain agree to disagree on this point.  Drs. Eades recommend and
have put into practice a diet far higher in fat than Dr. Cordain supports
and Drs. Eades have seen great success.  Worth considering, no?

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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