>From: matesz <[log in to unmask]>
>You are not alone.  I know of other people who have problems with a diet
>that derives more than 40 or 45% of calories from fat.  It doesn't matter
>the source---fat from grassfed meat, oily fish, olive oil, flax oil, nuts,
>seeds.  I've met others who experienced the same symptoms you describe,
>progresing to severe liver and gall bladder distress (signs of fat
>indigestion, nausea, bloating and tenderness around the liver, oily stools,
>a feeling of malaise, pain, etc.).  >Rachel

Thanks Rachel. I really appreciate your answer.
When I stay on a high fat diet long enough I develop most of the symptoms
you described plus terrible headaches and general weakness.
I'm trying to figure out the macronutrition profile which will work best for
me but I haven't managed yet to find it.
If I'm going too high in fat I develop symptoms you described, when too high
in carbs I develop blood sugar problems. Protein seems to be safe and I
don't see any adverse effects of high protein intake.

Paul Sand
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