
It's anyone's prerogative to continue protesting the same issues we
protested for the past five years with our people and country caught in
between us the protesters and the Jammeh regime thereby, contributing to the
continued suffering of the people.In my opinion ,it has to stop
somewhere.All embassies has military or intelligence personnel in their
posts therefore,i don't see anything wrong with the Gambian government
having one in the London office.
The Gambian people did not vote for Jammeh out of cower or fear but out of
being scared of a political come back of the old guys, due to the UDP/PPP
alliance.This maybe subject to who you talk to back home that's why the
different reasons.
My brothers and sisters,we have to move our country forward one way or the
other.Maybe we should try Jasseh-Conteh's remedy of constructive
engagement.I can recall the new American Ambassador,during his press
conference,after meeting with President Jammeh,saying that his intention is
constructive engagement with Jammeh.Why can't we do the same? It's our
country!Along with the protest,name calling,lack of respect on the will of
the majority of Gambians,why can't we think of ways to help move the country
forward.Let the records speak for itself
and those who think they can do something about it,in whatever capacity,let
them go ahead.

We need to move forward.



>From: "Movement for restoration of democracy in Gambia [NY]"
><[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: NIA's expert torturer, Tijan"BONE CRUSHER" Bah,
>heading to UK as Diplomatic Rep
>Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 07:20:50 EST
>The following was forwarded by a concerned Gambian, to alert Gambians,
>especially those in the UK, of a would be NIA dog, representing the Gambia
>and Gambians in Europe. Let's get to work to ensure victims of AFPRC/APRC's
>reign of terror, such as the journalist, Alhagi Mbye and thousands more, do
>not go scotch free, as there's blood on their hands.
>patriotic gambians,
>I am not subscribed to Gambia-l but would be most grateful if you would
>this unedited message to Gambia-L and all interested parties so that they
>may be alert of an unwarranted situation about to occur and to campaign as
>widely as possible so that it does not happen.
>As you all are probably aware since Yaya Jammeh took over in the Gambia he
>has adopted a stupid policy of posting officers from the mated NIA to our
>foreign Embassies and High Commissions in major western capital. Sources in
>the State House inform me that one of the monsters in the NIA, a MR TIJAN
>BAH is about to be posted to the Gambia High Commission in London as First
>Secretary effective January 2002.
>My conscience aas a patriotic gambian does not give me to let such pas
>without protest and exposure. TIJAN BAH is a senior operative in the NIA
>has been responsible for the cruel and inhuman torture of several Gambians,
>whose crimes is nothing but to expose the cruel and shameless regime of
>Jammeh. I refer you to the Archives of Gambia-L where a simple search will
>reveal verbatim accounts of MR TIJAN BAH personally supervising the torture
>of journalists. These inhumane forms of torture include electric shocking
>genitals, pouring cold water over a naked victim, endless beatings and
>inhumane forms of psychological and physical torture all being administered
>by MR TIJAN BAH. Rather than be posted to the UK, he should be tried as an
>International criminal for crimes against the Gambian people. I would urge
>that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office be notified of the arrival of this
>monster to the UK and pressure brought to bear on them to declare him
>persona non- grata or even more decisively to let him in and arrest him and
>make him stand trial as a war criminal for crimes against the Gambian
>people. Please refer to the case of Alhadji Mbye the journalist he was
>mercilessly tortured for questioning the legitimacy of the last elections.
>The country is sick and tired of Jammeh. It is only because he is a turn
>coat that the peace loving Gambians tolerate him and cower in fear. The
>reason they keep quiet and put up with it is because they want to live in
>Jammeh is nothing but a vicious thug with a huge inferiority complex. The
>born - poor syndrome is so deeply ingrained in him that he feels inadequate
>and insecure, thus reacting with anti - western sentiments, when they all
>know that he is a thief, a murderer and an imposter. One fine day he should
>be tried for crimes against humanity. The indictment is the following :-
>Jammeh has diverted a huge loan from Taiwan amounting to 20+ million US
>Dollars.- This has been proven in a Swiss Court of Law.
>His erstwhile henchman Ebou Jallow claims to have been on  a mission to
>Brussels with suitcases full of note-making money and mercury which
>suggests that they were actively involved in the illegal production of
>The same Ebou Jallow alleges that Jammeh had some complicity in the cold
>blooded assassination of Ousman Koro Ceesay by the Singateh Brothers.
>Yaya Jammeh lost the case to Chantril in a UK court and judgement granted
>against him for reneging on a business deal with regard to the crude oil
>with Nigeria, which the Gambia Government defended and failed therby paying
>thousands of pouns in costs.
>Jammeh was in cohoots with Sani Abacha who handed over a suitcase of money
>containing USD10 Million, in the presence os osme government officials in
>Abuja, Nigeria.
>The Vice-President, Mrs Isatou NjieSaidy will attest to the fact that
>called from Cuba to order the shooting of the defenceless students in April
>1999. As a result, over 15 students were cold-blooded gunned down and the
>subsequent commission of enquiries findings totally supressed.
>In November of 1994, Jammeh ordered the execution of Lt Bassirou Barrow and
>other soldiers and cooked up an incredible story about a soldiers rebellion
>when all knew that the soldiers had been caught and cold-bloodedly executed
>in Nyanbai Forest and according to Ebou Colley buried in a latrine pit
>behind the Yundum Barracks latrine, with some other monster hacking off
>Barrow's legs with a matchette to make him fit in the hole!
>Jammeh again framed some of the soldiers whom he alledged were trying to
>overthrow him and got two to three of them executed at the Albert Market
>at home. Nobody listened to the deposition of the poor soldiers wives.
>Jammeh has been working with Charles Taylor, the notorious warlord and
>international criminal to launder diamonds through that pitbull, Baba Jobe,
>to the great suffering of the Sierra Leonean people by prolonging the civil
>war. The UN investigation confirms this fact.
>Jammeh is an international criminal and has to be exposed. The NIA and
>BAH have to be exposed for the crimes against the Gambian people.
>The pyschophants in the Jammeh Government and the Quislings who follow him
>for self gratification have to be exposed.Fatou Jahumpa, Masaneh Ceesay, Ya
>Fatou Jallow, Tamsir Jallow, Nafa Saho and now Sheriff Dibba are all in it
>for the gravy train. But your end will be swift as justice is done, if not
>by the Gambian people, the almight God above.
>There have never been free elections in the Gambia during Jammeh's time and
>there will never be. Jammeh has always rigged the elections, opponents
>beaten by the troglodyte, Baba Jobe.HE WHO LIVES BY THE GUN WILL SURELY DIE
>Fellow Gambians, I implore that you circulate this message to the
>International press, The State Department in the US, The FCO in London, the
>Surette in France, the Gambia-l, Amnesty International, Human Rigthswatch,
>the UN,. Tijan Bah must not come to England under any disguise and Jammeh
>must be exposed for the Thug, murderer and thief he is. The NIA are a bunch
>of cowards and cretins taking advantage to intimidate and harass people
>whom they have had a a grudge in the past or have secretly envied. For the
>many civil servants who have lost their jobs unjustly, the day of judgement
>is coming.
>Please circulate this letter without fear and on the knowledge that you are
>doing the right thing. Justice is on your side and if TIJAN BAH gets in to
>the UK scot free and enjoying the fruits and being rewarded by being a
>diplomat in Her Majesty's Court, you will not sit easily.
>Thank You.
>I am a patriotic Gambian, of sound mind and with a sense of purpose and by
>no means mental, but well-educated. I have not been hysterical, but laid it
>on the line in a very transparent and logical fashion. No one will accuse
>of not loving my country and the peaceful people of the Gambia. Jammeh is
>not representative of the Gambian people. The latter are passive, friendly
>welcoming and docile. The other is the more unacceptable face, sulking,
>rude, hypocritical, angry, deceptive, inadequate, inferior, criminal,
>pyschotic, megalomanic, manic depressive, paranoic, schizophrenic,
>suspicious,eneducated and uncouth.
>To view archives of postings, go to the Gambia-L Web interface
>at: http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/gambia-l.html
>To contact the List Management, please send an e-mail to:
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