    It gives me a serendipitous pleasure to join you and many others in
congratulating Dr Raye Sosseh for his stellar accomplishments. Those of
you who know Raye must admit he has to lot be admired for. We wish him all
the best, career and otherwise. Compliments to you my brother!

Best Wishes,
Mr Makaveli (o-:)

PS: See ya at D & B **wink! (o-;)

From: Momodou Loum <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Congratulation to DR. Raye Sosseh
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Dec 13, 2001

Fellow list Members:
I am pleased to inform you that a very dear friend of
mine Raye Sosseh has just successively defended his
Doctoral dissertation. Dr Sosseh has spent the last
four years at the  Georgia Institute of Technology,
studying Mechanical Engineering.He has just been hired
by Seagate Technology, a high tech company based in
California as a researcher. I wish him every success
in his fuure endeavours.
Momodou Loum

Gambians Online " Designed With The Gambian People In Mind"


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