All of which is true.  But we also have the right to protest it if we feel strongly enough about the issue.  I don't mind an occasional off-topic post but when it's a lot (or more than one in a day), then it becomes a hassle.  But 'nuff said... I've said my piece...


              Kathy S.

"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Thank you, Carla!=20

I don't particularly care for this type of post myself but others clearly =
do. The best part of this list is it's openness and free-flowing conversati=
on. Let's not lose that.   :-)


>>> [log in to unmask] 12/03/01 12:11PM >>>
Hi all,

  It's starting to look like beating a dead horse. Posts such as "Who Will
Take the Son?" though not cp-related may be interest to some, even though
they might not come out of lurkdom to say so :)

  Heck, I post recipes and various doggy dialogues and am not chastised.

  Relegating people to "special" groups because their interests, etc. =
fit with yours/ours, in the spirit of fairness to all, shouldn't be
tolerated. It's not like a major crime was committed :) Blatant abuse of =
group by spammers and such obviously is a no-no and the violators should =
sanctioned. But hey! This was just a case of a story someone wanted to
share. Lighten up!

  The DELETE key is a handy little tool :)

