<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you for all the responses.

A lot of people agreed that I should go for another opinion.

Antidepressants/antianxiety medications have many uses but are very hard to
get off of.  (I don't want that, I learned my lesson with taking Prednisone.)

Most people suggested taking enzymes to help with digestion.  They're sold in
health food stores.  Essential enzymes, papaya enzyme, probiotics were some

One person suggested it could be gastroparesis.  After reading it, this
sounds like the problem.  She sent the web site address:

People suggested eating mild foods with high protein and fiber.

Someone said to try drinking water with apple cider vinegar in it.  The acid
helps aid digestion.

Medications suggested were pepcid, zantac, Reglan, propulsid, Aciphex and

I decided not to go with the antidepressant and I'm going to try to get
another opinion.  I tried most of the medications but I'm going to look into
the gastroparesis some more.
