<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Because of the rash of responses I have had since my summary, I felt like I
should explain a couple of things.  I am not taking the chewable tums nor am
I taking the extra strength.  The tums I do take have corn starch in them
and not just starch.  Because I form kidney stones (18 thus far), and had a
parathyroid condition, I was sent to an endochronologist to regulate my
electrolites.  Because of a chemical imbalance, formation of kidney stones
and a parathyroid condition, all caused from celiac, I was put on 900 mg of
calcium a day.  I can't take any other supplement of calcium other than the
tums, uricid and k-dur(which is potassium) and a cup of gf yogurt a day
because of the kidney stones.  I am only allowed 900 mg of calcium a day and
it must be from the pills and the yogurt only.

I hope this has clarified the situation and not confused it.
