When I was eating higher carbs, if I took away restriction I would gain 20
to 30 pounds quickly, and continue to gain after that.  It wouldn't be
binging, just eating an awful lot because I was always hungry.
I don't think removing restriction is all that great for some.

> A couple of thoughts... First, by eating so few calories, you are changing
> your body's metabolism so that you will gain weight on very little food.
> Your body is in starvation mode.  You have trained your body to slow down
> it can live on this little food.
> Second... Your binge reaction is typical of anyone who experiences
> restriction.  This is a very well documented reaction.  I don't know if
> read my other posts, but there is a school of thought that says the way to
> avoid the binge is to do away with the restriction.  This is the approach
> I've been taking, and it has worked for me.
>      - Sheryl