> Cooking doubles the energy availability from starch food and this is what
> *necessary* to rise the meat intake above a smaller percentage, due to the
> physiological limits of protein toxicity (also known as rabbit
> So if you argue against cooking you argue against meat consumption rates
> above some 30g per day and individuum.

I read somewhere that early hominids evolved as scavengers  .   Especially
the marrow, and brain  of carsasses , were not exploited by other species.
Hominids could  crush even the thickest bones  with the blow of a big stone
, thus getting to the marrow.

Such a very fat diet  would surely not lead to "rabbit starvation" and could
be supplemented with other sources of lean meat.

BTW  when I  make beef-soup,  I enjoy the marrow of the marrow bones  -  I
havent tried raw marrow though :-).
