someone asked the question about yams and sweet potatoes...are they paleo
"legal" food or not?  somehow i missed the answer to that question.  can
someone provide and answer and explanation, please?  i was not completely
convinced after reading Ray Audette's book that all types of potatoes are
not NeanderThin.  In fact, he stated something to the effect that
hunter/gathering people rarely, if ever, ate potatoes so they are not on the
NeanderThin diet.  Reading in between the lines, i took it to say that
sometimes they did eat potatoes especially yam and sweet potatoes because
they are more "natural."

In fact, when i have gone on "cave man" diets before while trying to
discover food allergies, yams and sweet potatoes were allowed.  white ones
of and kind and purples potatoes were not allowed.

someone, or many, please reply with your knowledge and experience.

thanks, toni

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