Amadeus wrote:

>White rice seems to be different than other refined items.
>For two reasons.
>1. rice has it's protein part also in the white variety.
>In rice the protein is distributed also inside the grain.

I'll admit, rice beats wheat hands down on this point.  But...

>2.white rice is always vitaminized with b-vitamins - particularly
>thiamin(required for pyruvate dehydrogenase).
>But all white rice has thiamin added...

Therein lies the rub.  You stated clearly that thiamin is added; do you mean
b-vitamins are artificially added, as well?  Even if only one of the above
is added, it shows rice isn't the nutritional Nirvana some people say it is.
  Meat, on the other hand, is (both in my opinion and factually speaking).
Although it's always seemed to me that if you had to eat a grain, there are
many that are better than wheat, especially bleached, stripped, processed
"wheat," brown rice being one of them.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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