Hans said: <<What is actually a "native"?>>

I don't know if you are really wondering or if you're making a different
(and valid) point. We mean people whose ancestry over the past several
hundred years traces back to that particular region. Eg: While my mother's
family could be called "native Americans" since those of us living today
were all born here, the family immigrated from Ireland in the 1600's and in
politically correct terms, are not "Native". My father's family, OTOH, is
Iroquois Indian (true "Native American").

Regarding the Native Islanders, someone once told me that a very large
physique is somehow a badge of honor in the culture. I wonder if this has
always been the case? Can anyone elaborate a little more? I'm no longer in
contact with friends who've lived in the South Pacific, or I'd ask them.


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