On Mon, 12 Nov 2001 11:20:50 -0800, Wally Day <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>As far as rice is concerned, has anyone tried
>sprouting rice and eating it? Amadeus?

I never tried... but thought of it.
At most I soaked the rice (when whole) for a few hours,
but couldn't find a difference.
Maybe I'll try it.
I think anything we eat should be living or able to live.
So the rice has to sprout.

I tried sprouting a couple of seeds.
Millet is boring.
Sesame is great.
Barley is great (now I heard it's a recommended health and anti-cancer food)
Quinoa didn' work.
Buckwheat tastes good, but looks strange (gel-like)
Almonds are very good, better than crude even.
Hemp worked,but didn't taste very good (maybe due to husked variety I have)
Sunflowers are great.

Things to try:
Walnuts (recommended by Jean-Claude)
any nut
Pumpkin seed if you find unreasted
