Hi -

For pizza, you have several choices:

If your local pizza parlor makes casein-free dough AND you're not worried
about cross-contamination, then just order your pizza without cheese.

Alternately, you can make your own.  Buy the dough or make your own (this is
where a bread machine comes in handy) and sprinkle nutritional yeast over
the top to give it a cheesy taste.

Chicken stock:  Again, making your own is pretty simple, and it freezes well.
I save chicken bones in the freezer, then boil with onions (which I do not
peel) and celery.  Nothing gets chopped, but it does get strained when I'm
done.  The trick is to simmer covered for 45 minutes, then simmer uncovered
until it boils down to a tasty broth.

Chocolate:  There are a couple of on-line chocolate sellers that offer
milk-free parve chocolates.  If you have an unuusally low tolerance
for milk, though, watch out.  I don't know of ANY chocolate maker which
doesn't make ANY milk chocolates (or which doesn't purchase chocolate blocks
from a place which makes no milk chocolate).  The problem is that the milk
is added in powdered form, which makes the possibility of traces of milk
powder in any choclate almost inevitable.  HOWEVER, for most of us the trace
is so very slight that choclate is safe.  If, however, you react to the
smell of milk in the air, then you might have a problem.

There are also off-line kosher choclate makers.  Check out the stores around
Jewish holidays, or check your kosher grocer.

Back to chicken stock:  Most chicken stock on the market is milk-free, but
not all.  No chicken stock is parve, since it contains chicken MEAT.  (Parve
means milk AND meat free.)  I like Health Valley and then there's something
i get at the health food store, too, that comes in a carton ...

I hope this helps,
--Beth Kevles
  [log in to unmask]
  http://web.mit.edu/kevles/www/nomilk.html -- a page for the milk-allergic
  Disclaimer:  Nothing in this message should be construed as medical
  advice.  Please consult with your own medical practicioner.