Well said Beran, I think we should all move on to phase two of the struggle,
because the legitimacy of Jammeh is no longer an issue, the Gambian
electorate have voted for him and we must respect this verdict. What we can
do now is to try and salvage sanity come up with a strategy to dilute the
composition of the house so that the parliament will not be a rubber stamp.
We can only achieve this if all the opposition parties are willing to have a
common strategy that would be a gentlemans agreement. This concept will
allow the opposition to support all those candidates who have potential to
win, to stand unopposed by another oppositin party this way perhaps they can
maximise their chances.

Another issue I may want to see, is the encouragement of Jammeh to form a
presidential commission of good governance, which would be composed of
experinced politicians, civic society NGOS, religious clerics, women
representatives as well as youths, this way his second term may see us
through with less violations of human rights. It sounds a bit naive but we
must explore everything that will ease a five year ride with Jammeh.

>From: Beran jeng <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 13:10:42 -0500
>Its healthy for you to differ with me i compliment you for that. My
>can't be sub standard because you happen to see it that way.
>In any situation there most be a way of monitoring that situation.During
>the campaign,whatever that might have transpired,be it impartial access to
>the public media,threats and intimidations of voters,the opposition should
>not have compromised or be negligent about it.They should have protested to
>have it stopped or boycott the process.Many on this list have encourage the
>opposition to boycott if they deem the process flawed.
>I am not in the business of judging after the fact. If the circumstances
>that you alluded to prevailed,why didn't the opposition protest vehemently
>even to the extent of boycotting the elections.Why did they continue to
>participate in this farce process as you describe it? The opposition ,that
>is all of them,said in their concession that it was free and fair why
>i see it otherwise.I forwarded lots of articles and reports to the list but
>despite the contents,the opposition on the ground declared the election to
>be generally free and fair.My interpretation of this declaration of the
>election as free and fair is that despite some hitches here and there,it is
>generally accepted and same view was conveyed by international observers
>people that i spoke to back home.That is not to say that it was perfect but
>generally accepted.With this cross section of opinions all pointing to more
>or less the same conclusion that the elections was free and fair,i do not
>see how i can contradict that.Help me if you can Lamin.
>>From: Lameen Sisawo Barrow <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>><[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 12:14:25 -0500
>>I  beg  to  differ  with  some  of  the  points  you  raised  in  your
>>post.  Having  forwarded  so  many  news  articles  on  issues  in  The
>>Gambia, I  am  wondering  if  you  have  taken  the  time  to  read  all
>>those  articles.  You  call  this  farce  of  an  election  free  and
>>fair?  I  am  at  a  lost  for  words.  If  this  election  meets  your
>>criteria,  then  you  have  very  low  standards  where  "free  and  fair"
>>is  the  criteria.  One  does  not  have  to  live  in  The  Gambia  to
>>know  that  People  have  been  intimidated,  bribed  and  harrashed  by
>>APRC  thugs.  Even  the  resident  Jaliba  of  APRC,  Tombong,  will  not
>>say  that  equal  time  was  accorded  to  all  political  parties.  This
>>election  was  just  another  front  to  legitimize  the  APRC.
>>Alagie  Barrow
>>Nashville  TN
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