Why would I want to change, from comfort into the unknown?

Excellent question.  And you can see from the way I described my proposed
shift that I am approaching the change with trepidation.  I am totally
satisfied with the results my present diet and exercise regimes are
translating into health and physique outcomes.  It is not easy to decide to
shift.  A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, as the English proverb
has it.  As said in an earlier post, I shall review my proposal in the
light of Loren Cordain's book: The Paleo Diet, Lose Weight and Get Healthy
by Eating the Food You Were Designed to Eat; check it out at amazon.com

I guess it comes down to having learnt a lot about evolutionary fitness
over the past year and having been convinced of its logic and firm
scientific basis.  More than intellectually persuaded, I am committed to
following the EvFit lifestyle as closely as I can.  Now, a year into EvFit,
I can't work out for the life of me how I didn't grasp it before now.
Thanks to Art de Vany (www.evolutionaryfitness.com) for the awakening and
the inspiration.


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