Hello all,

Any advice on how to remove what are euphemistically referred to as "animal
odors" from very old (1870's ?),  bare wood floors?

If any of you have tried the various "enzyme" products on the market, have
you found one that is effective?  So far, my efforts in this area have been
less than satisfactory -- the house I'm working on now smells pretty neutral
when the humidity is low, but still absolutely reeks when there is even a
hint of moisture in the air, despite repeat applications of "nature's
miracle enzyme odor eliminator"....

Will I need to paint or otherwise seal these floors to get rid of this
smell?  At present, the wish is to oil them only, to restore the natural
finish acheived in other areas of the structure thru years of washing them
with various oil soaps.  There is no "staining" left, as the affected (peed
on) areas had been scrubbed repeatedly with various cleaners from bleach to
spic 'n span, but the patina is gone and the smell is still horrendous.   As
you can imagine, I'm sure, having just exercised your abilities in the
evocation of sensory images thru the recent discussion of "specialty foods".
