
I knew I had to write something, but I had to wait until my emotions settled=
down.  This weekend, I was able to do this.

            Take Care,


P.S. If you like this kind of poetry, "Visions From A Dream Called Life" is=20
on our website.

By Ren'ee Rentmeester=20

They streamed in from around the land, a flowing river of people, a sight so=

A mother saw her daughter she hadn't seen in years.  A father greets his son=
fighting back the tears.

It was the day the angels cried.

Grandmothers held grandchildren they had known only as babes.  An uncle meet=
his niece with a warm embrace.  A grandfather sees his grandson with a=20
queried look on his face.

It was the day the angels cried.

For years they had watched from the heavens above, raining on them=20
unconditional love. Stowing away in their loved ones hearts, until  today=20
when they helped their new lives start.

It was the day the angels cried, you see, because they were reunited with=20
their family. Mothers and children, grandparents and such, crying for the=20
souls they had missed so much.  It was the day when their loved ones took=20
their forever breath=E2=80=A6of everlasting life and not loathsome death.

It was that crisp autumn day when the world bled hate and moral decay, and=20
everyone thought love had gone away.    But, the angels, thinking on a much=20
higher plane, knew there was reason for this unbearable pain.

The cherished souls were born into brilliant light, no longer enduring a=20
living night.  On the wings of sunlight they were set free, this river of=20
souls would only feel glee.  Exulted into eternity, reunited in love, the=20
angels wept openly from heaven above.

As their tears fell unto the earth with a torrential force, compassion=20
reigned freely from this powerful source.  And as the grandmother hugged her=
granddaughter in the everlasting sky, they realized they had never said=20
good-bye.  All her life they were connected by the breath of love as the=20
grandmother had guided her from the clouds above.  Silently she had whispere=
fairytales to her granddaughter's soul, and now embraced her heavenly spirit=
relieving her woes.

It was the day the angels cried.