<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

 Just want to thank you all so very much for all the help on eating GF at
Outback Steakhouse.  This is such a great place to get needed info and
fast!   Several of you asked for a summary, so I'll post the replies, but
I also have a GF lists sent to someone by Outback on August 6, which is
on an attached file, and will forward that on to anyone who sends a
request for them.  (And I'll forward it on to those of you who
specifically asked for info on them.)  There seems to be conflicting
reports with at least some of their stuff so everyone has to decide for
themselves on each thing.  For example, one person has said they get
Aussie Chips, but on the attachment file I got it lists Aussie Chips as
NOT GF.  Some think it's not safe there at all, but in general the
response was that it was a wonderful place to eat GF!

Thanks again so very much,

I emailed Outback Steakhouse regarding GF staus of their menu items, and
they kindly forwarded a full menu (in word format) to me.  I tried to
forward it to the listserver, but it was rejected.  The menu is very
detailed, put together by a rep from the Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG).
The menu forwarded to me, however, does clearly state that the info has
not been verified by Outback Steakhouse.  The list was put together by
Cynthia Kupper,and she is a Registered Dietician with GIG.  I suggest
you contact them and have a menu forwarded to you if you have been
staying away from their food due to questions of GF status.  There are
MANY items on their everyday menu that are GF.  It is so wonderful.  I
have enjoyed the Ribs on the Barbie, and Alice Spring Chicken so far
since receiving the list.  Their food is absolutely wonderful!  I
believe their website is www.outback.com.  I was very impressed, and
will continue to visit their restaurants in the future.


Our local Outback Steakhouse owner down loaded a GF menu list for me.  So
when I visit I ask for the GF menu list.  It's the Outback in La Mesa,

I was shocked  and very thankful!

Ask your local owner maybe he/she can  help.


Don't have the menu, but the steaks are okay -- always have mine cooked
plain, no seasonings, in a clean pan or on a sheet of foil on the grill.
Same for baked sweet potato, plain, no seasonings. Ceasar dressing is
fine, just no croutons. I always have the make a salad just for me, so I
know no gloves that touched croutons touched my lettuce.


The steak is gf if you ask for no marinades or seasoning.  The shrimp
barbie is gf.  The baked potato of course is gf.  I just ask for butter.
I do have their sweet potatoes with butter and brown sugar.  The caesar
salad is gf without the croutons.


M daughter has cheese fries.  I checked with the manager and they were
very friendly and helpful.  They let me read the the labels myself.  She
eats them every time we go and has never had a reaction.


I have done well every time I go to Outback....just be aware of the


My husband and I have eaten at the Outback dozens of times since he was
diagnosed. They are very accommodating and will let you know what is
safe and what isn't. Jerry always gets the same thing, (more or less),
either the prime rib or the filet, baked potato, house salad (be sure to
say NO CROUTONS) He also likes the Top Shelf Margaritas!

And, believe it or not, the awesome blossom is GF! It uses spices, not
flour as the coating. He's eaten it with no reaction.

I did get a GF menu from them a while ago, and I specifically wrote back
about the awesome Blossom. They reassured me that it was safe.


I do not have a new menue handy but I eat there all the time and have no
trouble if you stay from the obvious and the cinnimon apples, soups,and

I usually have the special w/salad and bakes potato or the bbq chicken
and ribs w/salad and bakes potato. I have had no problem and really feel
comfortable going there.


outback cooks on a flat top grill all their food gets cooked on the same
surface you will get sick if you eat there lone star is safe but ask
them for no go juice on the steak


I don't have the full GF menu for Outback, but I will tell you this is
one of the few places I've eaten out.  The staff at my local Outback
(Mission, KS) has been very responsive to note I send to the chef.  I
have a steak with no seasoning, steamed veggies (they make them "naked"
anyway), and a steamed lobster tail with no seasoning.  I order the salad
with no croutons and use my own dressing.  They have been VERY kind and
accomodating, and if they have questions, they ask.


I don't have the gluten free menu but I eat there all the time.  What I
believe is gf is all the meats as long as it is not with BBQ sauce (which

could be considered debateable)or breaded and I don't know about their
new items, such as the herb-crusted chicken, etc.  I usually have any
steak or chicken and/or ribs on the barbie (without the BBQ sauce).  All
the sald dressings are gf (but avoid the blue cheese to be safe(that can
be debateable too).  Order your salad without croutons (watch for crumbs
- often they just pull them off).  I don't get the veggies because the
seasoning for veggies is not gf, the seasoning for the meat is supposed
to be.  You really need to get the GF Menu from Outback - it really has
so much info.  Maybe call them and ask them to send it to you.  Don't
eat the rice or the apple-whatever.


As far as chain restaurants, the Outback is one of the easiest. Tony
Roma's is also good but they are harder to find. Remember I have eaten at
the Outback time and time again so I feel you will be okay with this.
This list of information is from an article in Bob and Ruth's newsletter
and I trust them.

Some of the appetizers make great entrees

Aussie chips (I order it for the potato course) Baked potatoes Aussie
Cheese Fries Prime Rib but no Au Jus Grilled Shrimp on the Barbie but
tell them no toast Caesar Salad House salad (the grated cheese is fresh
at our place. Ask) All meat, fish and seafood and chicken with the
exception of Ribs on the Barbie.

The ribeye is great.

Many of their salad dressings are gf but I always take my own salad
dressing. I also ask that they do any meat grilling with a piece of foil
under the meat. The dressing with the fries seems okay most of the time,
but other times has given me a small problem. Same with the Aussie Fires.

Direct quote from Bob and Ruth's newsletter.  "Sydney's Sinful Sundae
with homemade chocolate sauce is GF, but you may request their GF
homemade caramel sauce instead."


I once went to Outback and they had the GF menu, and the next one I went
to did not.  I believe that some have it and some don't.  It is not a
companywide policy.  I took the chance and didn't have any trouble just
ordering off the regular menu:  filet minon, baked potato plain and a
salad.  I bring my own dressing with me or ask for Balsamic Vinegar and
Olive Oil.  I drank a glass of Zinfandel with it, and I loved the entire
meal.  Passed on dessert.  Had a fruit later on when I got home.
Executive Director of Gluten Intolerance Group(tm) (GIG(tm) ), Cynthia
Kupper, did a menu revue for the Outback Steakhouse Corporation. I would
suggest you try and call her. She is in GIG's office in the afternoons,
but will be out on speaking engagements this next week. Try after
October 29th in the afternoons.

Contact Gluten Intolerance Group(tm) (GIG(tm)) in Seattle, WA for information.

Gluten Intolerance Group(tm)
15110 10th Ave SW, Suite A
Seattle, WA 98166-1820

Telephone:         206-246-6652
Fax:                    206-246-6531
Website:             www.gluten.net
Email:                [log in to unmask]

Executive Director: Cynthia Kupper, C.R.D. (Certified Registered
Dietitian) (and she has Celiac Disease) is very willing to work with
anyone that calls. Cynthia also has credentials as a former C.D.E.
(Certified Diabetes Educator).


I had salmon there and they assured me it was
gluten-free(avoided the veggies, due to the
seasonings).  I had a nasty reaction.  Generally,
because it is a chain with no real chefs in the
kitchen, I think it is a bad place for celiacs.





I don't have any info for you except that we've been using the old menu
and the restaurant has been very willing to work with me (my Daughter
has CD).

So far, so good. Please summarize if you have new info.


I don't happen to have a menu, but I just ate at Outbacks and it was
fine.  I just avoided their seasonings on all of my food.  I order fillet
mignon, baked potate and their steamed veggys (all without the
seasonings).  If you happen to find out if the seasons are safe would you
please share it with me.  I'm also wondering what other restaurants you
have found safe.

I live in West Hartford, Connecticut.