<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Well, folks,

I had about 25 responses, and they were divided between the two camps:

1)  That wheat products can only do damage in the GI tract, where it can be
absorbed (the molecule is too large to penetrate the skin), and that the
only danger is if one were to get in in his/her mouth.  Those individuals
who have DH should not use this kind of shampoo.  A number of people use it
with no problem.

2)  A number of people have had skin rashes after using shampoo containing
wheat stuff, so they prefer to use other brands.  Tom's of Maine was
suggested, as was Pantene.  Also suggested was baby shampoo, and Sassoon.

I do know personally that I want to stay away from strong chemically hair
products.  I feel that we need fewer chemicals in our lives in general, and
I want something very simple and unperfumed in my shower--remember, we are
not only getting this stuff on our skins, but we are also breathing it!



Chris Gralapp, MA, CMI
Medical and Scientific Illustration
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