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Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 12:18:57 +0200
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From: Peter Stott <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: The usicomos mailing list - changes
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Reply-To: Peter Stott <[log in to unmask]>

Friends --

As you know, the usicomos list has recently been the spammed by outsiders
with messages that are not relevant to the list.  Several of you have
suggested limiting posting to members of the list.

This has now been done, and I regret the unnecessary noise that we have
experienced recently.

Please remember that information about the list, how to subscribe and
unsubscribe, can be found at

The USICOMOS Mailing List

At its meeting April 29th, 1995, the Board of Trustees of US/ICOMOS
approved the establishment of a new electronic mailing list.

To subscribe, to the list, send an electronic mail message to
[log in to unmask] In the body of the message include the single
line, "subscribe usicomos" (without the quotation marks). To unsubscribe,
send the same message, substituting the word "unsubscribe"

Please write to the me, the listmanager, [log in to unmask], if you have
questions about the list, and NOT to the list address.

Peter Stott
Listmanager, usicomos

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