Ms. Jahumpa, I can sense that you are very desperate and distraught.
Frankly, I did NOT mean to give you a sleepless night yesterday or any day
for that matter. I saw the mails you sent to G_L last night and this morning
and could not help but notice that you hardly had a wink last night. You
told us that you were in a fabulous mood and you were going to ‘laugh
yourself to sleep’, yet you were still obsessing over this Basiru Jawara
thing and sending me web-links you know I do NOT visit. Get a grip, woman,
and while you are at it, get some beauty sleep at least; those do NOT take
that long.

Now to your contentions. Woman, many have tried and FAILED to brand me as a
liar. Needless to say, you will also FAIL. I am no match to mental midgets
like you. Let me first quote you the Basiru Jawara portion of my posting you
are trying so hard to misrepresent. The posting reads; and I hope you get it
this time:

“The bottom-line is that the destitute farmers in URD and the
Sarahulehs in Basse and SUPPORTERS of Assan Musa Camara, MC Cham, Modou Musa
Njie (deceased), Musa Njie (businessman), Basiru Jawara (to name a few) are
NOT going to vote for Yaya.” Emphasis mine.

As you can see, I even included a dead man (Modou Musa Njie) among the
people I listed; further showing that the emphasis was placed on the
‘supporters’ and NOT the influential people I listed. Obviously, Modou Musa
Njie CANNOT vote for Darboe. Dead men do NOT vote (at least in civilized
societies). You know as well as I do that Basiru Jawara already told you
(APRC) that he CANNOT deliver the Sarahulehs of Basse (his supporters).
These Sarahulehs know about Yaya’s despicable deeds accusing the Sarahuleh
of the crimes of Baabaa Jobe smuggling ‘Blood Diamond’. Basiru Jawara knows
that Yaya has no support in the Sarahuleh community. There are other
prominent Sarahulehs in Banjul apart from Basiru Jawara. Musa njie, musa
Drammeh and Alh. Saibo Tunkara comes to mine. Apart from Sankung Sillah
(whom we all know why he is supporting Yaya; he has multiple lawsuits
hanging over his head) NO respectable Sarahuleh is supporting Yaya. I
reiterate that the bottom-line is that supporters of Basiru Jawara are NOT
going to vote for Yaya. Basiru Jawara flatly refused to act as an APRC envoy
to the Sarahuleh community because he knows that the Sarahulehs are going to
vote for Darboe. If I were you, I would NOT even count on Basiru Jawara’s
vote. The man is NOT stupid. Finally on this point, I respectfully urge you
to read my postings properly before jumping up and down getting Yaya all
excited that you are cornering me. Woman, Yaya is FINISHED and you know it.
I got word that it took Darboe more than three hours to get into Basse
because of the huge welcoming crowd that already lined the main streets
waiting for PRESIDENT DARBOE to arrive. Contrast that with the ‘crowd’ you
guys rented and bussed into Basse. Your days are numbered. Forget Basse. It
is Darboe Country. I just saw that you took your Basiru Jawara propaganda to
Buba Baldeh’s Observer (APRC Daily). That is where the garbage belongs.

Now moving to Yaya’s titles. You are aggravating NO ONE in the Opposition by
making a fool of yourself as an incorrigible sycophant. The moron NEVER
finished High School and you go around boasting about a honorary doctorate
degree. This is just unadulterated sycophancy. Shameless garbage. I saw
somewhere you trying to rationalize Yaya’s ‘baron’ title. You people are
just hilarious. When did Yaya ever go to Italy to be ‘made a Honorary
Baron’? Who gave him the title? What Italian City? You know you are LYING
when you pretend that some Italian royalty granted the moron a title ‘in
Italy’. To my knowledge, Yaya NEVER went to Italy. Matter of fact, the only
time I recall him going to Western Europe was when he went to Copenhagen to
attend some UN-sponsored meeting. The coward is afraid to set foot in
Western Europe and get arrested for crimes against humanity. Tell us how
many times Yaya has been invited to a State Visit in Western Europe. The
moron could NOT even get Ukraine to invite him for a State Visit. The last
time he went there, he was on his own going to visit his ‘arms-dealer’
friends and the people that sold him his Russian-made aircraft. So, don’t
come here pretending that you have a respectable leader that is being feted
and decorated by civilized monarchs. I would NOT be at all surprised if some
hustler came to Gambia and bamboozled Yaya with an empty title just to get
to his ‘precious dollars in Swiss Bank accounts’.

If you think that we are wasting our time writing on G_L, I wonder why you
will stay up till 3:00 a.m. GMT last night trying to debunk what we wrote
and wake up in the morning and plant a story on Observer about Basiru
Jawara. Why don’t you stop wasting your time and focus on the campaign trail
back home, if you have any? I know for a fact that our mails are no laughing
matter for you and your boss. Deep throat has it that as soon as the moron
saw Chongan’s and Colly’s mails and knew that the mails were circulating in
barracks and police stations, the moron asked you to register him on G_L.
Laugh at this to your peril. You know it is NOT funny to Yaya.

Finally, on the ‘ambassador-for-cash’ CORRUPTION SCANDAL’, you did NOT say
anything. All I see is lame denials. Buba Baldeh, Baabaa Jobe and Yaya were
caught with their pants down asking for bribe. You CANNOT spin this one. The
cat is out. You still did NOT explain Yaya’s infantile tirade against
Baldeh. We are still waiting to hear what happened and why Yaya decided to
disgrace Baldeh in front of his people. I hope your brains will NOT hurt
trying to get through this posting. Please bear with me. I am trying to be a
gentleman and respond to all your (four) mails you were sending throughout
last night and this morning. I would hate to snub you. I hate to be the
bearer of bad news, but what the heck with vermin like you. I understand the
‘oku-marabout rally’ organized by Kofi-Harris in Banjul was a big flop. It
attracted less than 100 people. Do you have the tapes showing ‘rented
crowds’ in Banjul? Be my guest and have another chuckle on me. I am just
happy that you would NOT be laughing on October 19, 2001. On that day,
ordinary Gambians will escort PRESIDENT DARBOE to the State House.

>From: "F. Jahumpa Ceesay" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 17:58:52 -0700
>Hey You Liars,
>I am in too good a mood to argue with you when our website clearly
>shows who are the liars and who are the truth sayers.
>I am only on the L currently to rub your noses in it as victory
>for us is imminent.
>Look at KB speaking of Bashiru Jawara and his farmers being against
>President Alhaji Dr Baron Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh when Bashiru Jawara
>has been attending all our rallies with his followers en masse.
>Just check the website for the pictures of both him and his brothers
>and other farmers as they hail the great Baron Alhaji Dr. Yahya
>Jammeh.(Yes, I am doing the full titular honours to aggravate
>some of you some more)
>My friends, I am in too good a mood to sling insults with you
>as you lie so desperately. The writing is on the wall and also
>on the website. Oictures and Videos do not lie. The more you
>write, the more your credibility goes down. Continue peddling
>trash and we will soon see who will be run off Gambia-L.
>You are right about one thing though. Your mails on Gambia-L
>are definitely doing the rounds. They are the pieces of paper
>that people use when they want to giggle and laugh. Imagine Ebrima
>Ceesay reducing himself here last week with lies about Yankouba
>having been sent off to the Kombos. Do you guys even know how
>much laughter we had with that posting he sent about how URD
>was Alliance Country and Yankouba had been sent to Kombos where
>support was "slipping"? People laughed until they shed tears
>at your blatant lies.
>As for me, I am just having fun, fun, fun on the Campaign Trail.
>Oh, one more thing! I may be peddling infantile propaganda but
>I know one thing for sure. Those who quote from a series of one
>sided letters allegedly sent to Buba Baldeh/Baba Jobe are the
>infants. A serious minded propagandist would have known that
>to get credibility for his post, he should have instead concocted
>letters not TO Baldeh but FROM Baldeh. Heh heh heh. Catch my
>drift? or are you too clever to understand when the "moron's"
>maid speaks?
>I am laughing myself to sleep. Good night.
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