> Question # 1: What country do you hate the most. Answer # 1: USA.
> Question # 2: What country would you live in if you could? Answer # 2:

The hijackers lived here in the United States, some for many years.
That's what has got some Americans so upset.  That they drank (!!) in
American bars, worked out at the local gym (my son's, by coincidence),
shopped in the grocery store, enjoyed the freedoms that this country
offered them. Very un-Islamic. And yet were so filled with hate of it -
and of themselves for enjoying it - that they were wiling to die trying
to destroy it. Some have said they must have been overflowing with
self-loathing and self-hate for the 'filth" that they were experiencing.
They've been compared to guys who hire hookers, and enjoy sicko stuff,
and then beat her to death out of disgust.

Now it's 4:06 am. I'm freezing and my eyes are sticking together. I'll
answer the rest tomorrow.

Love Liza

> Part 1: Bomb the crappola outta Afghanistan (and Syria, Iraq, etc),
> instead of dropping bombs, we drop leaflets in the local language
> "What would you do if we killed 6000 of your innocent civilians?"
> more. (Didn't we already give Afghanistan $200,000,000 last year in
> humanitarian aid? I don't know--did we?)
> Part 2: Bin Laden. Alive, not dead. Then take him to "ground zero" and
> the families of the victims torture him slowly to death on national
TV. Not
> only would the folks most (likely) interested in vengence be
confronted with
> the actual violence of such, but the scores/thousands/millions of
> that would react vengefully to a military killing of Bin Laden would
> confronted with a much different schema than, "Bush killed our people,
so we
> will kill Bush."
> Though these two ideas seem silly, they are entirely plausible (#2
hardly a
> sure bet though, of course).
> If only everyone would eat raw foods!  ;)
> Cheers,
> Kirt