> Instead, bomb Afghanistan with butter, wholesome food, music,
> help, and kindness.

Sounds beautiful but the butter would melt, and how precisely do you
drop music, celebration, help and kindness out of a plane?

> Bomb them with information: video players and cassettes of world
> including Islamic, condemning terrorism, showing the horror of

There are no wall sockets to plug these things into.

> Blitz them with laptop computers, internet access to information,
> feminist equality in their language so that they can understand what
> Taliban does not want them to know.

Do you honestly think that dropping a laptop computer with links to
intellectual feminist tracts, down to a starving Afghani, dying of
exhaustion and disease, in a remote mountainous area of huts with
thatched roofs and dirt floors and terrified young men with guns hiding
around every corner, is a realistic solution?