What a great email!
Love Liza

----- Original Message -----
From: "Prema Qadir" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: Constipation-Never take colonics or enemas

> >Dr Bernarr <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> Greetings!
> What are the signs of colon cancer?
> >Dr Bernarr <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> >Colonics, enemas, laxatives, cleanses, purgatives, cathartics,
> >mineral oil, rectal dilators, anal suppositories and other similar
> >to force bowel movements, are all dangerous and harmful to your body.
> >take them. They impair the entire metabolic processes of your body.
> >forcing measures are enervating. I have cared for over 100,000
patients with
> >all kinds of health problems, and I have helped them better their
> Dr. Bernarr, have you ever cared for someone who takes aloe vera
powder, daily?
> Do you think there are any benefits or problems with taking aloe vera
> powder, daily?
> >Dr Bernarr <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> >With these over 100,000 patients, many cases of cancer of the colon,
> >of the colon, ulceration, hemorrhoids, colitis, flatulence,
peritonitis and
> >other digestive disorders, have had their origin from these forced
> >movement procedures. These forced bowel movement procedures are
> >enervating. They cause such a great loss of vital energy. Your body
> >so weakened as a result of such, that they prevent your body from
> >detoxifying. They drain your bodily needed resources. They rob your
colon of
> >its protective coating of mucous, and make your colon weak and lazy.
> What is the mucous protecting the colon from?
> Should the mucous be eliminated, periodically?  If so, how often?
> I have been taking aloe vera powder for several months, upon the
advice of
> a naturopath, who has been helping me to lose weight and get healthy,
> again.  I was told that because I was overweight, I "probably" have
lots of
> sludge stuck in my colon.
> The naturopath wanted me to get regular colonic treatments from Day 1
> 2001], however, I could not find a colon therapist in my area.  I
> found someone in August,
> The colonic produced nothing, except for pieces of orange-brown slime,
> which I typically see in my stool, every day, since I started taking
> powdered aloe vera capsules.  The colon therapist was shocked by the
> that no feces was expelled and commented that the orange-brown slime
> probably mucous and that it was abnormal for the mucous to come out.
> My naturopath has a different opinion.  He had me read "Rational
> by Ehret and said that he wanted me to eat a non-mucous forming diet.
> ate a macrobiotic diet, composed mostly of brown rice, couscous, tofu,
> beans, nuts, raw fresh vegetables and fruit and juices.  I lost 65
> between Feb. and Jun.
> Last week, I visited a friend and drank several glasses of wine and
> lots of fish and vegetables.  I noticed larger quantities of the slimy
> stuff, but it was a dark orange color.
> Is the orange-brown slimy stuff mucous?
> >Dr Bernarr <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> >They are
> >not natural and no animals in the wild take them, to move their
bowels. Some
> >birds wash their rectums by injecting water into their long beaks but
not to
> >give themselves an enema nor colonic irrigation.
> >Mind your own business and let the bowels mind theirs. Their is no
law of
> >nature that says you must have a daily bowel movement.
> >The last half of your colon is the storage colon. The feces are in a
> >semisolid form and are not absorbable. There is no absorption of
poisons from
> >your colon while you are water fasting, while you are on a so-called
> >elimination diet or while you are eating the Standard American Diet.
> >to common belief, there is no hardened, caked-on crust of toxic waste
> >materials lining your colon which "can only be removed by colonics".
> >movement is not elimination. When your bowels move, there is only
voiding of
> >what was previously eliminated and what had never been in your body
at all,
> >but only in your digestive tube.
> >If your instinctive, inherent intelligence, your God within, does not
want to
> >move your bowels, you should not think that you are smarter than your
> >beautiful, intelligent living body. Your colon, when permitted to do
> >performs its function, as automatically and spontaneously, as your
> >liver, stomach, kidneys and breathing.
> Dr. Bernarr, how many times per day should my bowels move eliminated
> matter OUT of my body?
> I USED to be severely constipated.  My bowels would leave my body,
> every 3-4 days.  Maybe if I had trusted my inherent intelligence of
the God
> within, I might have had a bowel movement by the 5th day or more.  I
> could not bear to do that because of the:
>         1)  physical discomfort
>         2)  carbohydrate food cravings/binging
>         3)  lethargy
>         4)  depression
> When I was chronically constipated, I started out [in my youth] using
> Ex-Lax.  As I grew older and understood more about my body, mind and
> I used "natural" products to eliminate body wastes.  Presently, I take
> vera capsules and cayenne pepper [infrequently].
> I have not been constipated for several months.  This is the first
time in
> my existence that this is so.  If I ever find myself constipated and
> need of giving my inherent intelligence of the God with some help, I
> that I would blend senna leaves in a fruit smoothie and/or drink some
> Smooth Move [senna] tea.
> What do you think about my contingency plan [above]?
> >Dr Bernarr <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> >If you break your arm or leg or you are having heart pains, those
> >parts are under inflammatory stress. If you force them to move
because you
> >think you are more intelligent than the inherent intelligence of the
> >within, you will end up crippling yourself or maybe dead! Your
> >stressed digestive tract is no different from your broken arm or leg
or your
> >heart, that is in pain. They all need physiological rest until they
> >Leave them alone. Just water fast, in bed, with your eyes closed,
> >meditating on your symptoms, until you are asymptomatic.
> I think that I could do what you suggest, NOW.
> But, when I was chronically constipated, I do not think it possible.
> course, there were extenuating circumstances, in my own case.  Because
> was overweight, I had problems with cyclic binging, due to food
> which I now believe were the result of improper balance of
> proteins/carbohydrates/fats [mainly, not enough protein].  I was not
> exercising, either.  Since I've changed my personality and now that
> learned how to properly eat and exercise, I am doing fine.  I jes need
> continue to lose more weight.
> >Dr Bernarr <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> >Your bowels do not move because your gastrointestinal tract is under
> >inflammatory stress than you can presently tolerate. Enervation from
lack of
> >rest and sleep, overeating, wrong eating, incompatible food
> >overwork, nervous tension, nervousness, lack of proper exercise, lack
> >fresh air and sunshine, overworking the kidneys and impairing
digestion by
> >drinking too much water, atony (lack of muscular tone), spasticity
and a
> >self-destructive lifestyle, are the principal causes of one's bowel's
> >inactivity.
> Now, that I am "regular" and properly eating, sleeping, exercising,
> relaxing, drinking water, meditating and getting out in the fresh
> air/sun, I can follow your advice.
> My naturopath said that I should take the aloe vera for the rest of my
> or until my body intelligence tells me that I don't need it any more.
> says it is working to remove accumulated unwanted material surrounding
> organs and it helps to bring water into my colon to assist elimination
> used to hold more water in my body, especially around my ankles and
> tops of my feet].
> What signs would I experience, in your opinion, that should convince
me to
> stop taking the aloe vera capsules?
> >Dr Bernarr <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> >There are occasions when one's body finds it necessary to muster
> >all of its energies for some special purpose, as in serious sickness
> >accompanied by lack of desire for food, and your colon may remain
> >for some time. Give it a physiological rest, a water fast, until your
> >digestive tract is asymptomatic and/or you are genuinely hungry
> >If your colon is under inflammatory stress, i.e., you are
constipated, you
> >should, while water fasting, close your eyes, feel, concentrate on
> >feelingly meditate on, whatever symptoms you have in your colon. Your
> >is always talking to you. Listen and do what your God within, your
> >intelligence is telling you to do.
> I like to believe that I am in a constant state of meditation, plus I
> intentionally practice Taijiquan and yoga, but I know that I would
> by spending MORE time sitting, lying or standing in silence.
> >Dr Bernarr <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> >Then you can spontaneously have all the bowel movements that you
> >Nothing cleanses your colon but your colon itself. Your bowel is a
> >self-cleansing organ. Your God within your colon has successfully
> >itself spontaneously for billions of years, since life began on
earth. It is
> >already built into the genes, chromosomes and the DNA. You never need
> >therapeutic agent to cleanse your colon. The enema, colonic,
cleanses, etc.,
> >have no power themselves. They are inert substances. Only your live
colon has
> >the power to react.
> >Your colon has but one function in relation to food waste. Your colon
> >the waste until such time as your inherent intelligence is ready to
> >of it.
> Thank you!
> forward!
> trust, prema