<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks, everyone ... I was overwhelmed by all your responses. Here's a quick
overview of possible causes of my friend's abdominal pain:

-- Could be caused by accidental gluten ingestion; also stay away from gas
producing foods (2)

-- Could have CD plus something else

-- One person said their gastro dr. found colitis, plus gallstones which were
dissolved by eating more fruit. Also had to fine tooth all additives and
hidden things as he was extremely sensitive to everything, especially

-- Could be gallbladder

-- Could be multiple chemical sensitivities, which can cause all kinds
of problems. After an office renovation, person developed celiac,
diabetes, asthma, alergies to everything and more. GF catsup causes same
severe sympto ms.

-- Could be a diaphragmatic hernia with portions of stomach prolapsing into
her chest cavity. Symptoms are similar to heart attack; cause is an opening
in the diaphram, the opening enlarges, and in certain positions (usually
lying down, bending over, or straining at the stool), the stomach pops up
through that opening and gets trapped there. If she stands up quickly when it
happens and takes a deep breath or two, it may pop back down. But if she
waits too long and gas accumulates in her stomach, then a stomach tube is
required to relieve the situation. It shows on an ordinary chest xray. Note:
this suggestion was from a retired MD)

-- Familiar with divert and CD; seems to take longer to bounce back from
divert attack (clear liquids for several days then BRAT diet for several
days). Also suggested eliminating corn and anything with seeds.

-- Sounded like classic diverticulitis to one p erson; takes time to
learn what you can and can't tolerate. Some can't eat green leafy
vegetables, others can't have cabbage family, etc. Consider going dairy
free; try magnesium oxide tablets to keep stools soft.

-- Could be other food intolerances. Dr. Fine's test an option. Daughter was
gluten and milk protein and yeast intolerant, although they never would have
thought so. Consider milk, egg, soy, corn, etc, and check for gallbladder.

-- Could be other food sensitivities such as aspartame and false sugars.

-- Could be allergic to something else like sulfites or MSG. Another person
suggested allergic to eggs, red meat, or nuts, which cause the same symptoms.

-- Try the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (www.scdiet.org<http://www.scidiet.org>
and the book, "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" by Elaine Gottschall. Starches may
be the problem.

-- Sounds like this could be acid reflux. Eliminate all grains, only
steamed veggies, nothing raw for a while, some root veggies, small
amounts of meat, nothing fried, omit greens for now, small amounts of
fats, very small meals frequently taken, drink lots of water, try taking
soda for acid. No calcium citrate tablets, nothing citrus. Read about
acid/alkaline balance.

-- Starches cause indigestion and acid reflux and pain like your friend's.

-- Could be microscopic colitis which causes that burning feeling. This
person also had this, diagnosed via biopsy as this disease isn't visible to
the naked eye.

-- Could be a lot of small intestine damage from the celiac. Do an
elimination diet and change Drs. Should try an elemental liquid diet and no
eating at all. This person has so much permanent damage that for six years
she has been living on TPN (total parenteral nutrition), no eating or