<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks for all your help as usual.  It always makes me feel good to hear
similar stories to mine regarding finding food to eat!  The nutrition bar
mentioned most frequently is Genisoy.  Others were Atkins Advantage (crunchy
peanut butter), EnerG Granola Bars, Essential Fruit & Yogurt Bars, and
Tiger's Milk (available at Wal-Mart in two sizes).  A very helpful member
also gave me a suggestion as to how to search the celiac archives.  I was
trying "nutrion bars" and with his suggestion of using "protein bars", I got
 a lot of responses.  I do check the archives, but of course the proper
choice of words makes a big difference.  Someone also gave me information
regarding a protein shake using Genisoy Powder (plain or vanilla), 1/2 c
rice or soy milk, 1/2 c orange juice, banana, couple ice cubes, blend until
smooth.  Sounds delicious so I plan to try soon.  I like breakfast ideas
that give me lots of energy!  Thanks so much.  Janice (Florida)