On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 18:07:17 -0700 Kimberly Rogers <[log in to unmask]>
But, I read that post-menopausal women require plant  estrogens
if they're not taking HRT, (which I'm not sure I believe),

Ardeith writes:
Find a copy of Susan Weed's "Menopausal Years"......
we have "enjoyed" menopause for thousands of years
without "benefit" of hormonal replacement therapies
of any sort.....tho' there are good herbs that can help
a lot to lessen the uncomfortable sensations............
Menopause is not a disease.....it does not "require"
treatment....it is a natural process of the female body.
IMO, nourishing your body in the way it evolved to
be nourished is the best thing you can do for yourself
while passing through menopause......and IMO, the
Paleo way of eating is the way we evolved to eat...
As for plant estrogens....using wild yam and soy and
such....I don't believe these are included in the foods
those of us of European ancestry evolved to eat.....
AND..... these are *plant* estrogens....not human
estrogens.......why should they be any better for
us than mare's estrogens?

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