I am building a new PC with an ASUS A7V133 M/B, Athlon Thunderbird 1GHz, 256Mb PC 133. All of the M/B switches and jumpers are in the default Jumperless postion. The front panel switch connections are per the manual. There is no separate switch on the 300W Enlight P/S(New). When I connect the power cord, the onboard LED lights and stays lit. When I press the Power On button, all of the fans come on for about 1 revolution and shut off. The LED stays lit. I can't get into the BIOS to make any changes, since there is no boot up. I tried a different P/S from my working computer with the same results. I am very puzzled by this.

If anyone has any suggestions, they will be most welcome. Thank you.

Paul Stoops

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