>I'm told by the mid-wives I know that historically
>male babies are less robust than female babies......
>and historically males have died in the hunt or in war
>at a greater rate than females.......so few males out-lived
>the females............

This mention of men dying at a greater rate than women due to war and
hunting is very logical and I would easily buy it (in fact, I'd bet a good
wad that's the case among hunter-gatherers), but I have yet to see

But I've seen many times the stats on infants.  It's a well-known fact that
little girls start out with a better chance of survival than baby boys.  Did
I ever mention I enjoy being a girl?

I can't remember who started this thread but girlfriend, you almost sounded
like you were ready to throw in the towel!  Don't give up!  By taking
control of your life through changing your diet, you increased your chances
of living a long, long time by a healthy margin, I'm sure.

Hmm, maybe we should all move to the wild to avoid getting hit by a bus or
one of the many modern ways to wind up six feet under.


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