>Actually, Dori, I think you're doing Amadeus a disservice here.
>Reread what he says.

Hey, I said I'd take it back and I hereby do.  I thought you were saying the
pill was good, Amadeus and my brain was obviously in a fog (which it often
is, now that I think about it).


I stand by my defense of a low-carb diet for anyone whose body adversly
reacts to carbs, a description that applies to some 75% of us to one degree
or another.  And I do feel that, Amadeus, what you eat would be problematic
for someone who's at the upper end of the scale.

>If the body is prevented from taking the excess glucose out of the
> >bloodstream into the fat stores, diabetes is the most likely result.

Isn't it scary that WE, by and large John and Joan Q. Sixpack, know more
about this than our physicians?  Read a quote from the story again...

-- "Inhibition of ChREBP activation would be expected to (lessen) excess fat
accumulation resulting from a high-carbohydrate diet and provide novel
opportunities to address the health consequences stemming from obesity and
diabetes," the researchers write in the July 31st issue of the Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences*. --

They can't grasp the simple concept that diabetes comes not from extra fat
on your bones but from extra glucose in your blood nor can they surmise that
extra fat on your bones is also due to extra sugar in your blood.
Mainstream doctors and researchers look more like the Keystone Cops every
day of the week.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

* our tax dollars hard at work?

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