>You didn't state it, but it "seems" your way against excess carb
>is to avoid carbohydrates alltogether.
>That should do it. Probably. But you can't avoid carbohydrate because your
>body (brain) needs them, at least some 500kcal per day.
>If you don't *eat* carbohydrates your body makes them from protein
>you'll crave for then.

I've never said I'm against all carbohydrates; you're hearing what you want
to hear, your trademark.  I *am*, however, dead set against the US onslaught
of sugar and starch-loaded foods and the incorrect assumption that all carbs
are good and all fats are bad with protein a mere drop in the dietary

The carbs people shouled be eating are in my (and likely most list members'
opinions) primarily cruciferous vegetables.  Some people do okay on a few
tubers and legumes, others don't; play it as it lies.  If you can handle the
natural sugars, have some fruit now and then, too.  I, personally, don't do
well with fruit but I do splurge once in a blue moon.

I have enough broccoli in my fridge right now to choke a horse, plus red
peppers, baby carrots, asparagus, artichokes, yellow squash, onions and a
giant container of salad greens in my fridge with pre-cut collards, mustard
greens and spinach in the freezer.  Low-carb, yes; anti-carb, no.

And you CAN avoid carbohydrates, by the way.  It's been done.  See Todd's
response for more (and better) details.  500 calories worth of carbs?  For
more than 3 years, I've been eating a mere fraction of that amount per day
and I'm doing just fine.   If you're looking to avoid gluconeogenisis
(glucose from protein), avoid excess carbs AND protein in your diet; eat
lots of fat.  Just did a story on this.  Contact me, listers, if you'd like
a copy.

>I think the real Question is how to avoid *excess* carbohydrate.

See paragraphs above.

>How can anybody's system go on eating more and more candy and cakes,
>while the blood sugar is already overflowing?

Americans are doing it every damn day of the week.  Why do you think we have
a diabetes epidemic?  This pill will let you continue to eat excess carbs.
Oh, goody!

>My answer, theory, supposition is that those body cells don't really have
>access to all the glucose in the blood and so crave for more and more.

People crave carbs for a variety of reasons, everything from the taste to
such documented components as opioids found in several grains.  What do you
do when your body craves something it can't or shouldn't handle?  Stop
eating it.  You wouldn't tell an alcoholic to stick with just one drink a
day; what works is giving up the foods that trigger uncontrollable cravings.
  Many here can attest to that.

I've been eating a diet with far, far fewer than 500 calories worth of carbs
for several years now and lately, a typical day is comprised of 60-65g
protein (meat only) 70-75g fat and about 25g of carbs, your idea of death on
a plate, I'm sure.  The carb in bulk, by the way, is more than half of
what's on my plate but the grams would never go above 25g, I'm sure.  I'm
not craving carb dense foods at all, unless you consider a red pepper a
high-carb food; that would sound good right about now.  But so would 3 oz.
of chicken breast stir-fried in macadamia oil; I haven't eaten for 6 hours.
Would this work for you?  Probably not.  What works for me doesn't work for
everybody.  Nor does what works for YOU work for everybody.

I don't know of anyone who does good on Coke, Twinkies, Cap'n Crunch,
Hershey Bars, Pop Tarts, Corn Chips and Hostess Ding Dongs, though.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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