>But a good part of it, in my opinion, is clearly mental.  We put
>ourselves into "fight or flight" mode far too often, and then
>neither fight nor flee.  We live in our heads, rather than in the
>world.  We create stress by our own mental representations.
>Todd Moody
>[log in to unmask]

That's why meditation and Qi-Quan or other Asian techniques are so
successful. There is nothing magic about them (as many top-selling books
claim) they are just putting our nervouse system into balance.

But from the other hand incorrect eating can put you into permanent stress
state. When I was veggie I tried many relaxation techniques (typical veggie
behavior) and they only helped a little. When I'm eating properly I feel
more relaxed so I don't feel that I need tham anymore but probably now is
time to explore them to have real results.

Another point is that if you feel healthy you are more active and you more
involved into "flight or fight" situations so there is always a offset.

So diet + mental hygien makes us healthy

I think we are too much concerned with the longevity rather than the quality
of live.

Paul Sand
[log in to unmask]

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