<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi All!

I'd like to hear from any asymptomatic celiacs out there.  I'm on a gluten
free diet at the moment, and would like to hear how others are coping.  I
went along and had the blood test "just to rule it out" after my dad finally
worked out what had plagued him all these years, and it came back positive.
Then the gluten free diet (extremely strictly followed, following Dad's
lead), before I had an endoscopy and it came back negative - no gluten, so
no gluten damage - seems so obvious in hindsight!  The negative result and
some close friends telling me I was foolish for worrying about it made me
give up the gluten free diet.  Those all behind me now, I have resumed the
diet, but am in limbo a little bit, and am pretty careless with what and
where I eat.  I assume the response I'd get from any symptomatic celiac
would be avoid gluten at all costs, but I'd like to hear from anyone who
doesn't noticably suffer.
