

 BTW what do the chickens eat, they =
>don't naturally eat grass do they? What do your chickens eat?

the natural diet of a chicken is first insects seconds greens and 3rd seeds.
those chickens are grazing foraging in movable pens in a meadow so they get
as much insects and greens they want and they are suplemented with an
organic feed that is not instincto because mixed  so they can't really
choose the type of seeds they want. i open the guizard(  the sack in th neck
where the food and stones are mixed and ground up before going to the
stomach) of maybe 2o chickens and it was all greens inside and very little
by eating greens they get the omega 3 fatty acids while the organic  feed
is more omega 6 but also omega 3 from lin seed. so the ratio should be okay.