Damn!  According to this, to cut carbs is to gain the weight back once the
carbs are reintroduced....  It's better to bust your buns at the gym, or
wherever....  Even switching starch/fruit is a re-gain down the road unless
it's a permanent switch......  A lot of us have modified our way of eating
for some time now and are looking to get over that last hurdle of ten pounds
or so......  Whats the answer.....  ????   I can do more at the gym but it
isn't a good idea unless I can continue to keep it up down the road.....  I
can incorporate cardio, oh groan, sigh.....  I hate aerobics with a passion!
My lifting is aerobic with no rests....    Is this last hurdle the hardest
because it takes the longest?....  I'm satisfied with my *diet* but would
love to get rid of that last few pounds.....  Judy doesn't want to give up
her nuts because she probably knows that to reintroduce them will be a
re-gain.....  This is a catch 22.....   Paul suggests lowering fat.....  Any
more ideas out there cavemates?  Oliva

----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Moody" <[log in to unmask]>
> The idea is that the carbohydrate requirement is pretty much
> *constant* for men and women.  Let's say it's 150g/day (estimates
> vary), which is 600 kcal.  An active man may burn 3,000 kcal in a
> day, so that 600 kcal is only 20% of the total.  A woman might
> burn 1,800 kcal, so for her the 600 kcal. worth of carbohydrate
> is a third of the total.  So in terms of *percentages* she needs
> "more carbohydrate".