
 one the HG diet you will find that you will cut out the source of toxins and the gut will heal itself. Be aware that you might experience the "die off effect" as poor bacteria dies aff and fight for thier lives. It passes quickly, but I found that for people I know acidopholious pills are better as the milk sugars can incourage the bacterial growth.

for 6 years I pressed my mom to work out. For some reason known only to her, and to her credit completely to my suprise, one day she callled me with questions. her main concern was not to injure herself, and really not to be scared. I lift regularly but am well aware that 50 testosternone driven barbarians hooting and sweating is intimidating. My advice to my mother was to become confortable with the intellectual knowledge of the muscles in her body. that way when they are sore she knows who was the culprit. I asked her to only do what was comfortable, and at first it meant the foam wrapped weights and machine assisted lifting. Fine. Fine with me fine with her. She liftened twice a week, generally describing the excersized as " those up and down thingies", or the " you know what I mean.." she is no idiot, but fitness was more important than nomenclature. the other days she got on the treadmill. OK not Paleo, but you know what she had 60 years of non paleo concepts to unravel, I doubt she was ready for windsprints, and further if I had pestered her she would right now be back on the chair with alex trebek. but I didnt and she took it as it came.

finally her curiosity got the best of her and fortunatly I could come home and show her a few more excersized. she added dips, bench, lat pulls, leg presses, quad extentions and other over 3 years. Finally I pointed out to her that one thing all gym folk love is to talk and advise. A bursting rescource filled with good and bad advice, btu she needed simple knowledge.

Im sure you can advance far faster, If you want to. But begin with a comfortable level, keeeping always in mmind that this workout is not to last 2 weeks or months or years, but the rest of your life. Your muscles and body will suprise you with thier desire to progress. Follow them, not MuscleHead Magazine.

Michael Warner Kallus

>From: Automatic digest processor <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Evolutionary Fitness Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Recipients of EVOLUTIONARY-FITNESS digests <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: EVOLUTIONARY-FITNESS Digest - 9 Jul 2001 to 10 Jul 2001 (#2001-98)
>Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 16:00:34 -0500
>There are 2 messages totalling 72 lines in this issue.
>Topics of the day:
> 1. Edith-- Resources for women?
> 2. What about my guts?
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>To get a copy of the old archives or the FAQ, look in the EvFit folder at http://briefcase.yahoo.com/dryeraser
>Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 18:05:49 -0400
>From: Hilary McClure <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Edith-- Resources for women?
>"Ward... James Ward" wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Edith McKlveen wrote:
> >
> > > However, it would be nice to have some "girl" resources. Something
> > > that is slightly less gung-ho than what I've found so far. Every
> > > time I've approached a fitness program by trying to do the "guy"
> > > thing, I've hurt myself, pulled or sprained the crap out of a
> > > variety of muscles, and been forced to stop.
> >
> > I've had the same experience and I'm a big ol' guy (42, 6', 210#). I
> > used to always wreck my back and end up quitting. The last time I hit
> > the weight training wagon though, I had much better luck.
>Me too. Over the last twelve years I've started up a new attempt at a
>weight lifting routine every couple of years and usually hurt myself, so
>it's not just women. I'm a 43 year old guy, 5'-11", 168#. I think it is
>very important to start out really easy if lifting free weights, since
>there are probably muscles that are weak that are assisting the main
>muscles of a particular lift and that will easily be strained, setting
>you back. You mustn't let a friend or a trainer push you too hard, or
>push yourself too hard. But I think it is important to keep in mind
>progressive resistance. Start out very light and let the weak muscles
>catch up, maybe doing higher numbers of reps, such as 20. But gradually
>increase the weight so you get to where you are working out with higher
>intensity and are only able to do 10 to 15 reps. Then, when you can do
>more than 15 reps, increase the weight. I've just been doing the basics:
>Squats, leg extensions and curls, bench and incline presses, lateral
>raises and upright rows, concentration curls, pulldowns, dumbbell rows,
>crunches, and dumbbell side bends. I usually do two sets of each and it
>only takes about an hour, so I don't bother with complicated split
>routines. My results over the past six months have been very exciting.
>I've lost 20lbs since January, along with significant gains in strength
>and muscle mass. I hope the body weight stuff works for you, but I can't
>see how it could be as effective as weights, whether you're a man or a
>woman. I think many women don't view themselves as capable of the
>intensity of effort, even though they are--if they ease into it. But
>that's true of many men I know too. And I know there are many women who
>have broken through what seems like hesitation.
>Hilary McClure
>Danville, Vermont
>Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 15:11:57 -0500
>From: Edith McKlveen <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: What about my guts?
>I have been reading about how poor diet and overuse of antibiotics both
>contribute to the destruction of good bacteria in the intestine, resulting
>in an overgrowth of yeast and the development of "leaky gut," itself a
>contributor to the body's allergic responses to various food substances.
>What, if anything does the Paleolithic diet contribute to the health of the
>intestinal tract?
>I have been eating yogurt as a source of acidophilus bacteria for my
>innards. If I cut that out, what other "natural" sources would be
>available to me?
>End of EVOLUTIONARY-FITNESS Digest - 9 Jul 2001 to 10 Jul 2001 (#2001-98)

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To unsubscribe from the list send an email to [log in to unmask] with the words SIGNOFF EVOLUTIONARY-FITNESS in the _body_ of the email. To get a copy of the old archives or the FAQ, look in the EvFit folder at http://briefcase.yahoo.com/dryeraser