<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Kudos to Vickie for her comments about alternative health pracitioners who
tell you they can "cure" your gluten sensitivities!

I am a yoga teacher and meditator, so naturally I have a lot of friends and
acquaintances who are into alternative therapies.  I also get acupuncture
regularly, which helps tremendously with the joint pain.

For me, however, one of the hardest things about CD is the "new-age"
attitude that this kind of thing can be "cured," if only we could reprogram
our thoughts. It makes me downright angry, because it implies that it's all
in our heads.

Also, the practitioners have the arrogance to think they can "cure" us.  I
recently went to a psychotherapist known for her holistic approach.  I
wanted help in coping with my chronic illness and depression; I did not ask
her to "cure" me.  She thought that by tapping on various meridians while
saying affirmations, my problems should disappear.  I tried a few times,
then told her it just wasn't working for me.  Well then she said that I have
some kind of "neurological disorganization" and that's why I wasn't getting
better -- in other words, blame the patient because it's all in their head!

I have been GF for six years but do not have an official diagnosis, which
makes me reluctant to seek the help of any kind of medical person
(traditional or alternative), because I simply don't want to have to
encounter this kind of attitude again.

Has anyone else had experiences with misguided, holistic therapists or
doctors bent on "curing" your condition?
