<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello all,

In the Council on Gluten Free Foods' quest to find out the purity of
foods we consider to be gluten free, I have found out that PACIFIC FOODS
OF OREGON's rice milks and soy milks which were told to us for years
that they were gluten free could be considered NOT gf!  They make a
multi grain product with all four glutenous grains as well as oat milk
and an almond milk which contains barley.  NONE of these products are
run on dedicated lines.

They clean their machines between runs, as well as every 24 hours.

I have been ill for the last year, getting increasingly more so.  Since
going on a "pure foods" diet (which I HATE) which allows only pure corn
and rice as well as veggies and pure meats, ( No breads or chips etc are
allowed.)  I have been SO SO SO much better the last four days on this
diet, and perhaps the rice milk was to blame for the illness.

Could someone please let me know if they've reacted to Pacific Rice or
Soy Milks?  I really need some answers because I would DIE for a cup of
coffee with rice milk!



PS does anyone know whether Westsoy Plus is made on dedicated lines?  I
will call tomorrow, but just thought I'd look for some "immediate
gratification".   Thanks!