I just realized there is a chat room on pighabit-L....
JUST for pighabit peeples!
if any of you haven't been introduced to the wacky world of chats,
let's just say, you don't know what you're missing...   ;)
I've got an example, involving bill clinton and boris yeltsin, that
I'll pass along to anyone who wants to see it,
but in the meantime, if any realtime type discussions (meetings, etc)
need to take place, pighabit is a lot cheaper than long distance!
and more folks can join in too....
deb, k?
ps ..   ken, have you checked out the opinion polling feature?  we
could use it to decide what food to serve for lunch at IPTW   ;)
stuff like that   ;)
(in chat, that would have read, "ken hv u ckd etc etc..."
yeah, this is gonna be good   ;)    )