Re: HD vs swap file. If you get a couple hundred megs freed on your HD,
try setting your swap file as a fixed size of 160mb, rather than the
option of "let windows do it." That will ensure you have the necessary
swap file space available, and not depend upon getting whatever is left
over on the partition.
jack payton

On Sat, 23 Jun 2001 12:29:26 -0400 Glenn Josephson <[log in to unmask]>
> Hi Harry.
> How full is your hard drive?  Windows depends  on virtual memory to
> work,
> especially when you have multiple applications open. This virtual
> memory is
> basically a variable size file thats on your hard drive. Many people
> are
> under the mistaken impression that memory is just RAM alone. If
> you're
> getting pretty tight on drive space, Windows has less room to swap
> to VM,
> and will run out of resources. In fact, if your free space on your
> HD drops
> below ~20 megs, Windows may stop working alltogether. When you start
> up your
> machine, does the memory check say you have the amount you're
> supposed to?
> You can also find this in the BIOS. If not, then you might have a
> bad memory
> module. It's possible you might have one anyway, even if the memory
> count is
> right. If you can, try swapping the memory module you have with a
> known good
> one and see if that solves the problem.
> Anyway, if you're getting tight on HD space, try getting rid of some
> stuff
> so you have at leat ~100 megs free and see if your problem goes
> away.
> Glenn
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Harry Winster" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 2:04 AM
> Subject: [PCBUILD] Mystery of the Missing Memory
> Mystery of The Missing Memory
> Firstly let me apologies for the length of the post but I've tried
> to give
> as much information as possible and secondly to let you know that I
> would
> fall into the category of Newbie.
> My basic problem seems to be related to computer's memory or its
> management
> of the memory.
> I bought a new computer some time ago (Pentium II - 64 Megs Ram -
> Windows
> 95 - 4 gb HD) and after a while I could no longer use the clipboard
> in my
> word processing and spreadsheet programs to copy and paste data. In
> Word
> Perfect I got a message saying, "Error putting data on windows
> clipboard"
> and in Lotus the message read "Error copying data to the clipboard".
> In addition to this I could no longer drag and drop files in Windows
> Explorer.
> I downloaded a utility called Drag and File and I use this in place
> of
> Windows explorer and it works just fine.
> As an experiment I reloaded Lotus but this did not solve the problem
> within
> the program.
> I then tried to reinstall Windows 95 and here my problems really got
> bigger.
> One of the problems was that I'd upgraded Outlook Express to version
> 5 and
> during the reinstall of Windows 95 my computer became almost as
> confused as
> I was.
> After the reload I no longer had Internet Explorer or Outlook
> Express
> available to me. From what I'd read I gathered that there must be a
> conflict
> between Windows trying to load the older version of Outlook Express
> 4 over
> the remnants of undeleted Outlook Express 5 files. I went through
> the
> computer's folders and found a file called "ie20.exe" which looked
> suspicious so I deleted it { I saved a copy!) and in the next reload
> of
> Win95, Internet Explorer and Outlook Express were there.
> An additional problem now is that when I click on "new Message" or
> "Reply to
> sender" etc, in Outlook Express, I get a message from the computer
> saying
> "There is not enough memory".
> I don't know if this is a related problem or a completely different
> one, but
> when I click on an embedded link in an e-mail message nothing
> happens. That
> is, it does not launch Internet Explorer or take me to the site if I
> am
> already on the net.
> Something else that has just come to my attention, is a memory
> problem
> during the unzipping of a compacted file. I tried to install a
> program that
> uses InstallShield Wizard and I got the following message:
> The installShield Engine (iKernel.exe) could not be launched. Not
> enough
> storage is available to process this command.
> However WinZip does not have a problem unzipping files on the
> computer.
> I downloaded Dr Hardware 2000 and sometimes when I run the program,
> the
> computer freezes up and sometimes it works. To my untrained eye I
> cannot see
> anything in this program that points to a possible fault.
> Otherwise the computer works flawlessly. I can do all my work in the
> various
> programs but I just can't copy and paste anything within the
> programs and I
> can't use my e-mail.
> I did remove the RAM card and tried it in a different slot but this
> did not solve the problem.

> Any help would be most welcome in solving the Riddle of The Missing
> Memory.
> Thanks
> Harry

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