>Eat what the natives eat - what is it..probably cous-cous, dates, fermented
>camel's milk. Very healthy!

But all the carbs!!!  And cous cous is wheat...  I've developed a fear of
carbs - but do you think so long as I keep it palaeo I'll be ok?  I must
admit, chances are it'll be better than Sainsbury's fare!  And really,
having lost 21lb (I'm now a 19.5% fat 11stone / 70 kg)  I actually dont want
to lose weight, only recompose, as otherwise I'll be too light to windsurf
in the strong winds we'll be getting (Force 7 for the last 10 days if any of
you windsurf!).  Also lentils and grains - Ray would not approve I think?
Is this the time for a bit of intuitive eating, rather than book guided /
rule bound eating??

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