<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you to everyone who responded to my question about who is currently
using SlimFast and having no ill effects.  I tried it this weekend and had no
problems although I found the taste will take some getting used to.  I tried
the liquid format of Creamy Milk Chocolate.  I found that drinking a couple
of glasses of water and/or eating a piece of fruit afterwards helps to get
rid of the after taste.  LOL  At any rate, following is a summary of
responses that I received.  Thanks again, everyone!


I remember having seen a few threads about this subject on this
excellent site: http://forums.delphi.com/n/main.asp?webtagiliac&
nav=messages If you make a search there, you will find it.


I have used slimfast with no problems. I use the chocolate, and the apple
cranberry. The CSA listing states it is GF, and it's been fine for me.


If memory serves me correctly, SlimFast is relatively high in dietary fiber
(or more so than other diet programs). I would question where the fiber is
coming from. I just looked at a can and can't tell if there's something
hidden... I would be interested in knowing what others say - whether or not
it's gf. I'm drinking Ensure Light right now, but that stuff is $1.00 a can!


I keep Boost hi protein around the office for lunch when there's nothing
around I can eat.  Vanilla tastes better than chocolate.  Strawberry barely


I am using Naturade Soy Drink which declares itself to be gluten free right
on the packaging!!  Available at Costco and Kmart.The calorie count and
nutrients are similar to Slim Fast, as is the taste of the canned version.  I
use soy because I am menopausal and have osteopenia from CD.  I also use
Carnation Instant breakfast which according to an earlier post is GF.  I use
it when I want the taste of real milk.  No problems for me on that score.


The last time I used Slim Fast, I nearly fainted from sugar overload.


Slim Fast is not GF, but Nestle Sweet Success is and it tastes great. (the
chocolate one anyway)


I called the company that makes Slim-Rite (same type of drink).  They said
they were all GF.


Usually I drink the chocolate types - creamy milk choc or choc royale. I
tried the fruit version once but hated the taste! I've used both the
ready-to-drink and powder types, and have found no reaction at all. They've
been a real lifesaver on those "I'm due in work in 5 minutes and haven't
eaten breakfast!" days. When I add a banana or orange shortly after, I find
I'm not hungry until lunchtime.


I've used it without adverse effects. I have a very hectic life, and was
using GF protein shakes for "quickie" meals, but they were very high in
calories, so I switched to SlimFast and have had no problems.


I used it in the past and had problems.


I don't know about a gluten reaction to it, because that was years before I
knew I was celiac.  I have been told by several reliable sources that Slim
Fast is GF, though.