<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Frequent references have been made by list subscribers to possible links
between celiac disease and other autoimmune diseases--of  personal interest
to me given  family history and that of several other celiacs I've met. (e.g.
personal: two sisters with rheumatoid arthritis; three celiac grand nephews
in one family--one of those with juvenile diabetes, another with juvenile RA.)

If interested in satisfying some curiosity, and perhaps making a  wee
contribution to research at the same time, contact me personally if you or
other close relatives have a medically diagnosed autoimmune disease such as
those mentioned--or lupus, or other serious, related autoimmune disorders .
I will summarize and share results with listmembers and with several MD's who
have demonstrated a special interest in celiac disease.  Please list disease
and relationship to you.