<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi All--

Brief background: I've been blood tested for CD three
times with negative results on the antibodies, but
positive on the malabsorption; two biopsies negative
for sprue, but showing "minimal flattening." I've been
gf for 8 weeks now - trips to the ER for pain and
vomiting have stopped, and my liver enzymes have
returned to nearly normal.

My GI told me that he recommended staying on the gf
diet, though he can't give a definite dx of celiac. He
also said that there is a bacteria that can cause this
"minimal flattening" of the villa, usually found in
diabetics or those who have had gastrointestinal
surgery - the bacteria travels to the usually sterile
small intestine. There is a breath test to detect this
bacteria. Does anyone know what bacteria he may be
referring to? I tested negative via biopsy for H.
pylori, so I don't think this is what he's thinking of
(unless he has forgotten that I tested negative for H.

My doc is 70 miles away and I correspond with his
nurse. I've asked her what this bacteria is, but she
hasn't replied yet.

Thanks for any thoughts anyone might have...I'm
